Maydena BMX Bike Track

During 2007, a petition was conducted by young people in the township of Maydena for activities and entertainment within Maydena. This petition was tabled at a Maydena Community Association (MCA) meeting during 2008. An outcome of this petition was the development of a BMX bike track on the ‘old Maydena Tennis Court’.

The MCA received community grant funding from the Derwent Valley Council in 2009 to assist with the development of a BMX bike track.

D’FAT’s 2010 Events Survey and Derwent Valley Council’s 2010 Community Survey (Needs of Young people within the Derwent Valley) supported the need for a BMX bike track at Maydena.

During 2010, D’FAT was approched by the MCA for assistance and support of a BMX bike track at Maydena. D’FAT agreed to support this project and held an onsite meeting with a representative of the MCA at the proposed site for the BMX bike track. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the progress of this project was delayed.

During 2012, D’FAT was approached by the MCA again for assistance and support of a BMX bike track at Maydena. D’FAT agreed to:

  • Assist with design and construction of the BMX bike track
  • Attend an onsite meeting between representatives of D’FAT and MCA (which was held on June 17th 2012)
  • Consult with grade 7-10 Glenora District High School (GDHS) students and grade 6 Maydena Primary School (MPS) students on the use and design (which was held on July 16th 2012)

Additional consultation and promotion of this project was held through D’FAT’s social networking sites, D’FAT Chat and D’FACTS with D’FAT.

During August 20th 2012, D’FAT with eight MPS students and two GDHS students designed the BMX bike track. This final design was completed at the proposed site for the BMX bike track

Stage 1 construction of the Maydena BMX bike track was completed during November 24th and 25th 2012. Three D’FAT members, six members of the MCA, and three young people from the township of Maydena assisted with this construction.

D’FAT additionally consulted with identified users (young people that assisted with the construction) on proposed ‘wording’ for signage at the BMX bike track.

Photos of this construction can be viewed on D’FAT’s Facebook group
